Saturday, October 01, 2005

Best Week Ever

While we're on the subject of Neil Gaiman, his glad tidings and large headlines are not limited to the Joss Whedon co-interview and the opening of MirrorMask; there's much more.

For one, The Onion's "AV Club" has two very detailed parallel interviews with Gaiman and his longtime friend and MirrorMask collaborator, Dave McKean; if that weren't enough, the interviewer's LiveJournal has outtakes and deleted scenes from the interview, for even more Gaimany goodness. In addition, the Los Angeles Times has a pretty good piece on the making of MirrorMask.

But that's not all! Gaimania continues with the news that, after many long delays, the version of Beowulf that he and Roger Avary wrote finally began filming last week, with a cast that includes Anthony Hopkins, Angelina Jolie, John Malkovich, Ray Winstone as Beowulf, and Crispin Glover as The BeaverGrendel. Neil has relayed reports that Glover is already speaking exclusively in Old English (which would be, actually, one of the least unusual things he's ever done).

Oh, and what better way for Neil to wrap up the week than with the discovery that his brand new novel, Anansi Boys, will debut at #1 on the New York Times' Bestseller List next week?

One movie opening; one movie filming; and the #1 book in the country.

Best. Week. Ever.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Put the Message in the Box

A couple of days ago, I gave you fair warning that I was going to be putting up a "Suggestions Box" for Science Fiction Blog (I also gave you the uncomfortable mental image of Larry Niven naked, but let's move past that, shall we?). To that end, I have set up a GMail address for feedback, figured out how to get it to cooperate with my e-mail software, and sent myself lots of cutesy test messages to make sure that it all worked. Yay, me.

As a result, let me introduce to you our brand new site feedback address:

So: What do you want Science Fiction Blog to be?

What sorts of things would you like to see more of here, or even less of? Should we concentrate more on News, or Reviews, or Commentary and Essays? Should we focus more on TV and Movies? On Literature? On Fandom itself?

And what about subjects which don't necessarily involve Science Fiction, per se, yet still fall within the generally recognized ambit of Science Fiction Fandom: Comics, Anime, Gaming, Science, History, and generalized Gothery, Geekery, and Slashdottery?

What features are you interested in? Would you like Comments to be enabled? Categories? Picture Galleries? Fancy Whirling Animated Musical Flash Games?

And finally, in the almost certain event that you know more about doing this sort of thing than I do, could you give me hints on how it's done? Especially if you are suggesting something which will be difficult to do in Blogger, now would be a good time to clue us all in to that fact, and to any other options which exist out there on the internets.

Monday, September 12, 2005

Keep Watching the Skies!

It has been a week, now, since I got back from Dragon*Con, the world's largest Thing That Calls Itself a Science Fiction Convention1. I am still working my way through more than 20 Gigabytes of pictures from the convention, even as the more than 20 different flu bugs I was exposed to at the con work their way through me. I'll try to slap together some sort of gaudy and ill-conceived photo essay (i.e., "a bunch of pictures with captions or something") on the subject in the coming days, but, in the meantime, I wanted to say a few words about the massive and earth-shattering changes afoot here at Science Fiction Blog2.

I know that it's hard to imagine any changes which could possibly be more radical than those which have already overtaken SFBlog since my sudden coup d’état, but we want you to try.

To that end, I'll be putting up a "Suggestion Box," so to speak, in a day or two.

What do you want out of Science Fiction Blog? What things, aside from naked pictures of Larry Niven, would make this a more interesting place to visit? Put on your thinking cats (after you've fed them and changed their litter boxes, of course) and get ready to give us an icky grey piece of your mind.

1 I say this because, given the amount of media SF programming it hosts, Comic-Con could have the title any time it wanted.
2 Two words: "Pantsless Thursdays"
3 Made you look!

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Drugged golden robots of the lost trilennia

Today's featured article at Wikipedia: Space opera in Scientology doctrine. It is truuuuuuly fascinating reading. Boy, was RLH fond of trillions.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Webcomic Hurricane Relief Telethon

Another Katrina charity effort worth a look-in: the Blank Label Comics co-operative is hosting a Webcomic Telethon in the week of September 12th.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Heavy Weather

It's very easy to feel like an ass, blogging about festivities and ephemera at a time when bureaucratic incompetence and mismanagement have turned one of the world's most congenial cities into a horrific real life Snake Plissken movie. Still, there are some things worth mentioning which are both topical and relevant.

Closest to home right now, here at Dragon*Con, there are numerous charitable efforts underway; from media stars who are donating their proceeds to the relief effort, to blood drives and dozens of other, smaller, efforts. Further afield, from Patrick Nielsen Hayden at Making Light comes word of SCA deployments to help with relief efforts around the South, as well as a touching memorial to New Orleans' most beloved SF writer.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Dragon*Con 2005

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usSo the big plan was to blog live from Dragon*Con, using the miracle of wireless internet access to upload timely reports and exciting photos of the goings-on.

However, given that Dragon*Con is perilously close to being a full 24 hour per day convention, I'm not entirely sure, in retrospect, just when, exactly, I thought I was going to be able to do this.

Still, I will try to catch up with the current of events before it has passed us completely by.

Monday, August 29, 2005

I, For One, Am Our New Bloggish Overlord

It was almost dawn when the doorbell rang.

The sky was the color of a television tuned to a dead camel as I threw on my third-best robe and stumbled out into the hall. Peering down at the faceted glass of the front door, I could just barely make out a figure, or figures, waiting in the crepuscular gloom of our front porch.

Carefully avoiding the big momma cat on the top stair, I made my way down the front steps into the foyer, still trying to see who had woken me. For a moment, I thought it was a pair of young girls, but by the time I made it to the landing, I was sure that the nearest figure was male. He was wearing a dark outfit of some kind — a suit, maybe? Some government agent and his adventurous sidekick, perhaps?

By the time I made it to the door, I could tell that the "government agent" was just a regular guy in jeans, and that what I had thought was a dark and sexy Suicide Girl standing next to him was actually some kind of large gnarled staff in his right hand. He looked at me as I opened the door, and said "WheeeeOOOOOOOP! Whoooop Whoooop WHOOOOOOOP! WheeeeOOOOOOOP! Whoooop Whoooop WHOOOOOOOP!"

Realizing my mistake, I waved my arms at the stranger in a wild, vague gesture, and ran into the kitchen to turn off the burglar alarm.

Returning to the foyer, I finally got a good look at my guest. He was young, with a pleasant face and a sly intelligence in his eyes; under his wizard's cloak, he had a simple black t-shirt with the word "Believe" written on it.

"Raymond Radlein," he intoned as the end of his staff burst into flame. "I am here to Pass On the Torch. It is time to Claim Your Destiny! I am here to bestow upon you the Power of Blog!"

"The pow—" I began to ask, only to be cut off.

"The Power of Blog is the Power of The Future!" he proclaimed, shaking his staff around like a spear of burning gold. "It is the Power of Inter-net! With Blog, all ideas are possible! You make thought here, it winds up there! Your thoughts, they fly around the world! The poor goat farmer on a lonely mountaintop in far-off Kansas-land can read your words as easily as the trendy businessman waiting for his rocket-taxi! Your powers will be beyond dreams!"

"Can I share information about new developments in Science Fiction?" I asked.

"Yes! Yes!" he enthused. "This you can do, and more!"

"Can I discuss Science Fiction Fandom, conventions, and other fannish activity?" I asked.

"Yes! Yes! Discuss them like the mighty wind, you can!" he cried, sweeping the flaming staff through the air in a great arc.

"Can I pull a new word out of my ass and get it into Wikipedia?" I asked.

"No, so sorry," he said, "you cannot. But you can pull other things out of your ass!"

"I'll do it, then!" I shouted, as he thrust the torch at me. "I will seize my Destiny!"

"WheeeeOOOOOOOP! Whoooop Whoooop WHOOOOOOOP! WheeeeOOOOOOOP! Whoooop Whoooop WHOOOOOOOP!" said the alarm system, as our curtains went up in flames.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Speaking of Hugo Gernsback...

It's been a while since I've had any Interaction with you, so this is a good time to mention that the final results of the 2005 Hugo Awards are now available from this year's Worldcon.

Highlights include Susanah Clarke's widely-expected Best Novel victory for Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, Dave Langford's dual win for Best Dave Langford and for Best Semiprozine ("I can't help but say how semi-professional I feel," he enthused), and Battlestar Galactica's Best Dramatic Presentation, Short Form victory for the episode "33," which defeated, among others, the series finale of Angel.

Looking over the detailed voting breakdown [PDF File], the closest contests were Best Fanzine, where Cheryl Morgan's Emerald City lead eventual winner Plokta all the way up until the final round of balloting, at which point the Plokta Cabal received the vast majority of the rollover votes from third place finisher Banana Wings; and Best Web Site, where Locus Online similarly lead eventual winner SciFiction until losing by one vote on the final ballot.

In other Awards news, the John W. Campbell Award for Best New Writer went to Elizabeth Bear, and the Sidewise Awards for Alternate History went to Philip Roth's Pulitzer Prize winning The Plot Against America (Long Form) and Warren Ellis and Chris Wesson's Ministry of Space (Short Form). The Prometheus Awards for Libertarian SF featured a Best Novel win for Neal Stephenson's The System of the World, and a Hall of Fame Award for A.E. van Vogt's The Weapon Shops of Isher.

Since last year's Worldcon ratified a move from a three-year site selection process to a two-year site selection cycle, there was no voting for the location of the 2007 Worldcon conducted this year, given that it had already been awarded to Yokohama during the final three-year balloting at Noreascon 4 in Boston.

The other significant bit of Worldcon business that took place in Glasgow was the preliminary decision, by a vote of 51–6 at the Business Meeting, to split the Best Editor category into Best Editor (Short Fiction) and Best Editor (Long Fiction). This differs slightly from the initial "Books vs. Magazines" proposal, in that editors of book-length anthologies of short fiction would compete with editors of magazines (actually, many of them are the same people), leaving editors who primarily work with novels (such as David G. Hartwell or the Nielsen Haydens) to compete against each other on the basis of the quality of the various novels which they brought to market during the previous year. The measure would still have to be ratified at LA Con IV next year before it could become official.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Comics Fans, READ THIS.


Wondering why this "manga boom" isn't really hitting your local comic book shop?

Dirk Deppey pretty much hits the nail on the head here, though I thought Mary Jane was at least a nice try. I'm slowly coming to share his opinion of mainstream American comic books-- I still like that shiny superhero sheen, but not so much that I'm willing to bury my head in the sand.

Monday, June 27, 2005

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Tim T's Stellar Miscellany

Evidence that the space-gods just don't like solar sails.

Evidence that someone really, really should have looked for a hotter volcano.

And evidence that our hearts will always have a place for those grand ol' metal milking-stools. Seriously, Ian Edgington and D'Israeli's online comic looks very promising indeed. Their printed sequel to Wells' story could be worth a look too.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

If You Read One Onion...

...make it this one. (Warning: features sound.)

My favorite is the horoscope.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Invisible Whistling Octopus Online Library

The works of H P Lovecraft are now free on the Net, courtesy of Dagonbytes. I'm not sure what the copyright situation is with HPL now, so maybe you'd better take advantage of this while it's there.

In other news, the reborn Dr Who is getting its third series.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

You Do Indeed Count For Something.

The look is softer, and the main character's name is no longer that of a popular brand of vibrator.

Loonatics II: Do You Hate Us Slightly Less Now?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Last Chance to See

A small programming note: Tonight marks the premiere of The Inside, Fox's new FBI Profiler drama.

Now, I know what you're thinking: "Ooooh! Another FBI Profiler / Serial Killer Drama! What a unique and precious thing this is, utterly unprecedented in the long history of June 8, 2005!"

Well, sure, the whole genre has been done to death, repeatedly, in a ritualistic fashion; but take a gander at the names associated with this one: Tim Minear, Ben Edlund, Jane Espenson, David Fury, and Howard Gordon.

That's more than half of Team Whedon right there; if they could figure out a way to include Marti Noxon and David Greenwalt, they'd have pretty much the full set.

Throw in Adam Baldwin and Wonderfalls' Katie Finneran, and you have all the ingredients for a compelling, entertaining, intelligent drama which Fox will cancel after four episodes. So hurry up and get on board now, so that you can be crushed by the inevitable disappointment later!

"My College Is Cooler Than Your College."

"Oh yeah? My college has the world's first website dedicated to science fiction research AND a master's degree in the subject."

"Uhhhhhhhhhh... well... our football team kicks... uh..." (falls silent in humilated defeat)

Thanks to A.G. Hopkins for the tip.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I Have A Guess. It Involves Effigies.

"It's going to be fascinating to see what fandom does when faced with this stuff."

The above sentence is NEVER GOOD NEWS.

It's nice to see that the end of Star Trek and Star Wars hasn't kept us from finding new ways to torture fans.

"Let's jab red-hot knitting needles into their eyes. It'll be fascinating to see what they do."

I know, I know, wait till we see it, everything can be fixed in post, Brett Ratner's really a nice guy, I know.

I wonder if these horrible-sounding rumors are a marketing ploy to make the actual film look like ten kinds of brilliance by comparison...

First kite in the wind from the sun

Cosmos 1, first ever solar-sail spacecraft, is going up on June 21st.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Ancient Greek SF

Rock on, Dr Ni-Mheallaigh.

Return of the Ram

After having to stop work on the comic, Brian Daniel is continuing his Saga of the Ram as a text story:

Tales of the Ram

Monday, May 30, 2005

Dairy sports

Not science fiction exactly, but an indication of the wonder and strangeness of the human world:

Three hurt in cheese chasing race Guardian May 30th.

At least cool to mangle his grammar, thinks it he doesn't

Matt Shepherd has been raiding Lucas' cutting-room floor. Meanwhile, Tragic Lad fears the power of the Dark Side.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Monday, May 23, 2005

Convalescent bloggist seeks snappy post-title

Kristopher Straub launches his new daily strip Starshift Crisis today. Checkerboard Nightmare isn't ending anytime soon, though, regardless of smart-aleck guest artists.

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Back from my sick-bed with diverse news

Apparent evidence that shopping trolleys can stray in time as well as space has unfortunately proved to be fake.
The old dream of robotic surgeons is at last coming to fruition.
The Mars Odyssey probe is showing signs of boredom.
Oh, and there was some film or other.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Like I Told You

...Ain't it Cool News has a metric buttload of Serenity reviews from the test screenings. I got the sense that the last couple were spoilerific, so I averted my eyes.

Caveat lector.

As Cat & Girl said, you technically just need one

Time Traveller Convention May 7th at MIT.

After May 7th this post will of course continue to be an open invitation to the event for any time-traveller reading it. The link above will be dead in less than a year, so I'd better include the full temporal and spatial details:

The Time Traveler Convention
May 7, 2005, 10:00pm EDT (08 May 2005 02:00:00 UTC)
(events start at 8:00pm)
East Campus Courtyard, MIT
3 Ames St. Cambridge, MA 02142
42:21:36.025°N, 71:05:16.332°W
(42.360007,-071.087870 in decimal degrees)

Enjoy! :D

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

I Just Can't Get Enough

Hey — remember last week, when I gave you links to the brand new trailer for Serenity? Wasn't that fun? Ah, yes. Good times.

So how about I give you links to two more trailers for Serenity?

But wait — these aren't just any old trailers for Serenity, no sir: They're the same exact trailer you saw last week.

Only bigger.

Much bigger.

As in, 80 MB of 1280x544 widescreen 48KHz stereo in the first case, and 130 MB of 1280x544 widescreen in 1080p HDTV format in the second case. The second one requires Quicktime 7, which is currently available only for Mac OSX 10.3.9 or higher. It is possible that other programs, such as VLC or Nero ShowTime, which understand both Quicktime and the H.264 video standard, might be able to play the file; but I haven't managed to do it yet, so I can't say for sure.

Of course, if you foolishly believe that there is more to life than trailers for Serenity, Apple's HD Gallery also has trailers for Batman Begins and The Fantastic Four. The Batman Begins trailer was downloadable last night when I downloaded it, but it doesn't appear to be downloadable any more (I don't know if the change is temporary or not — the now-invalid download link was simply commented out in the page's HTML source).

And stay tuned for tomorrow's inevitable Serenity article when all the people who attended tomorrow's preview screenings write in to Ain't it Cool News with their opinions.

Peasants-With-Torches 1, Frankentoons 0

Warner Bros. are yielding to fanpower over the Loonatics.

Speaking of animation nightmares, Platinum Studios are starting on a computer-graphics horror movie, Bonesaw.

Monday, May 02, 2005

My May Media Madness

Fans of obscure SF TV shows, rejoice! Both Earth 2 and Cleopatra 2525 have been announced for R1 DVD release in July. I'm not sure about Earth, but Cleo has been available in R2 for a while, which certainly makes up for the fact that so many other things take so long to get to R2. Right, Wednesday?

Anyway, I can't speak for anybody else, but I thought that Earth 2 was a decent little show; and I thought that Cleopatra 2525 was entirely more enjoyable than it had any right to be. Now if only we can get Strange Luck or its Fox predecessor, VR.5, on DVD...

In the meantime, of course, the first season of Star Trek: Enterprise comes out on DVD tomorrow, along with a "Collector's Edition" of Spaceballs.

Finally, let's wish a happy 80th birthday to John Neville, a wonderful actor who played General Staedert in The Fifth Element, and has appeared in such SF TV series such as Peter Benchley's Amazon and Odyssey 5; he also memorably played Isaac Newton opposite the actual Steven Hawking on Star Trek: The Next Generation. However, the two SF roles for which he is best remembered have all of those beat, hands down: He was "The Well-Manicured Man" on The X-Files; and he played the title role in Terry Gilliam's magnificent The Adventures of Baron Munchausen.

The truly impressive thing? All of the above roles came more than twenty years after he was awarded an OBE in 1965 for his illustrious acting career.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005


People — myself included — tend to think of "inventions" as big, significant things. The telegraph. The electric light bulb. The combination orbital radiation detector and cat-flap controller.

But, of course, that's not the case: Literally everything man has created is an invention; everything there is was first thought up by someone somewhere, and every idea or object was first given its current form by someone. The more commonplace a thing is, the more delightful it is to me to learn the story of how it became commonplace, passing that threshhold from unique idea to obscure notion to ubiquitous presence. It's one reason I love James Burke: Anyone who can do an entire television program, tracing the history of Western Civilization to show how it all leads inexorably to the creation of the corn flake, is my kind of guy.

All of which leads me to this very well-written and thoughtful AP obituary, from Editor & Publisher, of Howard Benedict, the chief AP correspondent on aerospace issues for more than 30 years, from the dawn of the space age to after the Challenger explosion. In addition to a long and worthy career informing the public about space flight and related issues, he is, evidently, the reason why we call them "orbits," instead of "revs" or "revolutions," which was NASA's preferred term.

The word "orbit," in its astronomical sense (as opposed to its older anatomical sense), dates back to the 17th century; its use as a verb dates to 1946; so clearly he didn't, as the obit headline asserts, "coin" the term. Nevertheless, he's the reason it became ubiquitous: He felt it was a better word than the one NASA was using, and the English language seems to have agreed.

So let's all give thanks to Howard Benedict: Without him, John Glenn would not have been the first American to orbit the Earth; without him there would be no Orbital Mind Control Lasers; and without him, our aforementioned "orbital radiation detector and cat-flap controller" would have just been another plain old ordinary combination radiation detector and cat-flap controller — and where's the fun in that?

As It Was Written, So Mote It Be

The glorious event that Wednesday told us all about on Saturday has come to pass: The Serenity trailer is available online (here's a direct link to the large version, all 21 MB of it; the full-screen version is, as usual, only available through iTunes).

While you're soaking in the Whedonesque goodness, you might want to check out the trailers for Save the Green Planet and Night Watch (NOCHNOI DOZOR), a couple of intriguing foreign SF films. From the trailer, Night Watch seems to have elements of Wicked City (or even Wicked City) about it; Save the Green Planet, on the other hand, seems remarkably indescribable from its preview.

To make this a full-fledged Media... er, Tuesday, I'll go ahead and remind everyone that Blade: Trinity and Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events come out on DVD today, and also wish a happy birthday to Tom Welling and Jet Li.

Monday, April 25, 2005

New suit, same as the old suit

Bryan Singer's taking no liberties with steel-boy's costume in Superman Returns. Meanwhile, Tailsteak has been thinking on the guy's life.

Monday, April 18, 2005

Tim's Pointless Trivia, or I'm Not Dead In Case You Were Worrying

Best supervillains' getaway ever.

David Tennant is the new Tardis-jockey, confirmed and definite.

Jeffrey Rowland has returned Butter Dimension Quad to the back of the refrigerator - The Tinkles have conquered their maker.

Miniature Media Monday

House of Flying Daggers comes out on DVD tomorrow. So does Primer, Mabaruho vol. 1, and the penultimate disc of the Read or Die TV series.

However, all of this pales in comparison to the really big news, the news that will set the world of webcomics criticism on its ear: 1st & Ten is coming out on DVD this August. Starring O. J. Simpson as the aardvark, and Delta Burke as Jaka.

Eric can thank me later.

Sunday, April 17, 2005


Crypto: 0
Language path: Optima
From: Society for Irrational Instigation
Date: 0.8 MSec since loss of contacts
Text of message:
I have still not recovered contact with any network site known to be spinward of me. Apparently, I am right at the very edge of a catastrophe.

If you are receiving this ping, please respond! Am I in danger?

For your information, I have no trouble reaching sites that are antispinward. I understand an effort is being made to hop messages the long way around the galaxy. At least this would give us an idea how big the loss is. Nothing has come back yet — not surprising, I guess, considering the great number of hops and the expense.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Eclipse Notes

Assuming Blogger actually lets me post this (ha ha, it is to laugh; ho ho, it is to be amused), I figured I'd take advantage of this unexpected break in the metaphorical cloud cover and share with you some info about today's hybrid solar eclipse:

The always-helpful folks at NASA give us this handy chart of major cities all across the United States, giving details of times and coverage amounts for the eclipse. Here in Atlanta, for instance, the eclipse will run from 5:35 PM until 6:59 PM local time, maxing out at 21% of the sun's diameter. Down in Tampa, where I grew up, it runs longer, and reaches almost 40%.

Further south in Miami, though, some kind of freakish miracle must occur, given the "I do not think that word means what you think it means" headline from today's Miami Herald: "Solar eclipse should be visible Friday night"

Monday, April 04, 2005

Media Monday (Mostly)

For those of you who have Doctor Who in your Rotisserie Television League, the ratings from Saturday night's second episode are in; and although it lost 2.6 million viewers from its premiere, it still managed to clobber Ant and Dec's Saturday Night Takeaway (which featured the musical comedy stylings of Tony Blair). Ladbrokes, refusing to be deterred after predicting an opening week win for Ant and Dec, had tipped Ant and Dec at 8/11 to win the rematch.

Will they predict another loss for Doctor Who next week? It's hard to say, but their lack of success in that regard hasn't stopped them from jumping in to the fray with odds on Christopher Eccleston's successor. While David Tennant remains the overwhelming favorite, as we mentioned last week, other prime candidates include not just Bill Nighy and Jonathan Creek's Alan Davies, but my own new favorite, Sean Pertwee.

In the meantime, Doctor Who keeps making off-screen headlines. In the wake of the Sunday Mirror's claim that Christopher Eccleston had told the BBC that he wanted to do more than one series comes word that Eccleston's quote about being afraid of typecasting was basically made up by someone in the BBC's PR department, and that the BBC had known for some time that he was not returning, and had agreed not to divulge that information yet.

Finally, the BBC have still been unable to work out a deal with the Terry Nation Estate to allow the Daleks to appear in the second Doctor Who series.

Whew! Well, cheer up, Doctor Who fans: It's not The End of the World.

Well, since I don't want this column to be all about The Doctor, let's do a couple of movie trailers.

The first is for a new Jennifer Connelly movie called Dark Water. It is based on a 2002 Japanese film called Honogurai mizu no soko kara, which was, in turn, based on a novel of the same name by Kôji Suzuki, the man who wrote Ringu (aka The Ring), which, to date, accounts for eight movies and one television series in Japan, Korea, and the United States. There are also several volumes of Ring manga, as well as a Dark Water manga. Unlike the Ring manga, the Dark Water manga was actually written by Kôji Suzuki.

For a change of pace, lurking on the horizon is the most improbable of all things Holywood: A Phillip K. Dick movie adaptation that seems to really want to be a Phillip K. Dick movie.

I'm speaking, of course, of Richard Linklater's upcoming movie version of A Scanner Darkly. A lot of people are going to see Keanu Reeves in it and think "Matrix Redux," but Linkleter's use of advanced rotoscopy (a technique he first used in Waking Life) looks like it will really help capture the fluid nature of reality in Dick's work. Plus, how can you not root for a movie about drug-fueled paranoia that features both Woody Harrelson and Robert Downey Jr.? Not to mention an actress named Kafka?

Tomorrow's DVD releases include Elektra and season two of Greatest American Hero, as well as the fourth season of Alternate History favorite The West Wing.

Finally, let's do the birthday thing, again, and extend our fondest wishes to Roar star Heath Ledger, Lexx lovely Xenia Seeberg, A Scanner Darkly's Robert Downey, Jr., unexpected Doctor Who guest voice Graham Norton, Babe: Pig in the City star Hugo Weaving, and, last but certainly not least, the late Andrei Tarkovsky, director of the One True Solaris.

The Part About Greg Egan? They're Not Kidding

From the Locus magazine web site comes the best story from last Friday's news.

I, for one, welcome our new posthuman readers.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Who's Next

Fresh off of the stunning success of the first episode of the new Doctor Who series, the BBC announced today that they were commissioning a second series of Doctor Who for next year.

Fresh off of the news of the second series of Doctor Who, actor Christopher Eccleston announced tomorrow that he was quitting Doctor Who, rather than continue the role in the second series.

Billie Piper is already slated to continue her role as Rose; at the moment, the leading candidate for the next Doctor is actor David Tennant, currently slated as Barty Crouch, Jr. in the upcoming Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire movie. Among the few other names being put forward are Bill Nighy, who plays Slartibartfast in the new Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy movie, and Richard E. Grant, who has already played the Doctor in both an animated BBC special, and in the Comic Relief special Doctor Who and the Curse of the Fatal Death.

Too Much Intelligent Life Here!

Seriously, this blog is too well-covered with too many intelligent contributors for distracted little me to add any more.

I hereby announce my retirement from this particular stage. Those who want to hear from me can do so here.

I'll keep sponsoring the blog and looking in every so often, because it's worth it.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Call It "Monday Plus!!!"

Or "Monday++", at any rate; but, since I don't think I'm going to be Tall Tale Capable later, I might as well at least do the whole Media Madness thing now.

Let's start by revisiting an earlier topic: The first episode of the new Doctor Who series, "Rose," was finally broadcast somewhere other than the internets this weekend. It appears to have done quite nicely for BBC1 in the ratings department, exceeding expectations and trouncing rival ITV1.

It might be my imagination, but I think that they did at least tweak the worst bits of the incidental music that both I and Warren Ellis hated so much; and they also used a brand new version of the main title music (the leaked screener copy re-used one of the old versions of the theme music for the opening credits). Their other major innovation with the sound track was to accidentally overdub parts of the broadcast with sound from another new BBC series, Strictly Dance Fever — with the result that, during the tense moments of her initial confrontation with peril, Billie Piper's character, Rose, appeared to be stumbling around a darkened basement, menaced by the unseen hordes of Graham Norton and his studio audience.

"At last!" thought viewers throughout the United Kingdom. "An adversary truly worthy of the Doctor!"

Fans of Masamune Shirow have had a pretty good run the last couple of years. Sure, there's still no sign of the long-awaited fifth volume of Appleseed; on the other hand, there was a recent (and, by all accounts, superior) remake of the OAV which had been ripp'd untimely from the womb of volume two once upon a time. At last word, production was already underway on a sequel, with a third movie planned as well.

And as for Ghost in the Shell, well, it's been difficult to swing a Fuchikoma without hitting two or three different sequel projects: There's the Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface manga, which finally made it to America; there's the unrelated Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence movie; and there's the even more unrelateder Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex TV series, with two seasons under its belt in Japan already.

Needless to say, that's still not enough! Our boundless hunger for Masamune Shirow and all of his works will not be satisfied so easily! We demand more!

Just in time, then, comes word of Tank S.W.A.T. 01, a brand new version of Dominion: Tank Police (or, to be more precise, Dominion: Conflict 1 (No More Noise), its sequel). Unlike the orginal two OAV versions of Dominion, this new one appears to be cell-shaded CG animation. The animator is Romanov Higa, who first made his mark with Urda, a short science fictional World War II spy thriller set in Germany, which he designed, wrote, modelled, and directed himself, posting new chapters on the internet as he finished them. The curious can download a trailer for Tank S.W.A.T. 01 in a variety of sizes and formats, from 2.9MB WMV to 17MB MPEG.

Well, there's only so much madness we can stand in our media, so I'm going to wrap things up now with a couple quick bits of additional information.

Let's start with some DVD news: First, today sees the release, at long last, of The Lone Gunmen: The Complete Series on DVD. But even bigger than that (to me, at least) is the impending release, in America, of the first two seasons of Danger Mouse on DVD. Ah, bliss.

And finally, let's all wish a happy birthday today to Lucy Lawless, Marina Sirtis, and Christopher Lambert.

Monday, March 28, 2005

Hugo Award Shortlist 2005

Interaction, the 63rd Worldcon (to be held in Glasgow, August 4–8 of this year) has just released the shortlist for the 2005 Hugo Awards.

From a quick once-over, it looks like Charlie Stross has reasons to be cheerful; like the same writers who fight it out for "Best Short Story" every year are doing so again; and like the folks at Interaction must have some dark, sinister agenda towards the "Best Fan Artist" and "Best Dave Langford" awards, because they bolded the titles of all of the other awards but those.

Oh, and shock horrors, no Enterprise episodes made the "Best Dramatic Presentation" shortlist.

Yeah, I know. Cheap shot.

Hey, one day we won't have Enterprise to kick around any more; so we'd better kick now, right?

Friday, March 25, 2005

Good Friday Fan Fiction

How's that for a scary title?

Don't worry, though: I'm leaving the Jesus Slash to Mel Gibson for now (although the absolute best live performance of Jesus Christ Superstar that I've ever seen did feature a pair of lesbians as Jesus and Mary Magdalene). No, I'm going to try to ease my way back into the swing of things with some fan fiction that won't scar you for life. You know, good Friday Fan Fiction.

We'll start with a pair of Sandman stories with impeccable credentials: They were written, more or less, at the behest of Neil Gaiman, for the Sandman: Book of Dreams prose anthology back in 1994. There were some wonderful stories in that book, and some wonderful authors: Even if the actual story didn't quite live up to the premise, for instance, George Alec Effinger's cross-polination of Little Nemo in Slumberland with the Sandman mythos may well have been one of the greatest ideas in SF since Philip José Farmer had William S. Burroughs, rather than Edgar Rice Burroughs, write Tarzan in "The Jungle Rot Kid on the Nod."

On the other hand, many of the authors were far from happy with the treatment they got from DC during the production of the book. Several of the prospective authors withdrew their stories, filed the serial numbers off, and reused them; other were unwilling or unable to do so. Two of the authors in question have since posted their stories for free on the web: As a result, Sandman afficianados can now read both Karawynn Long's Delerium story, "The Voice of Her Eyes," and Michael Berry's "Merv Pumpinhead's Big Night Out."

In a radically different vein of Sandman fan fiction, the Oxford University Douglas Adams Society has, for some time, combined two passionate pursuits: LARPing, and pub crawls.

One of their interactive dramas is a Sandman pub crawl, involving a series of meetings at pubs around Oxford that take place across the centuries, from 1294 to 1594 to 1794 to 1994. Hob Gadling is there, of course; as are Dream, Death, Desire, Despair, and Delerium. John Constantine and Johanna Constantine are there, as are Mad Hettie, Coleridge, Roger Bacon, and Cain and Abel. Lucien and Lucifer, too, for good measure.

With the right group of people, this story of the curious and occasionally dangerous things which transpire when Morpheus discovers an artificial intelligence wandering in his realm could be quite an astonishing experience; and who knows — it may even yield the long-awaited answer to Phillip K. Dick's most famous question.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

"Bonk! Bonk! On the Head!"

If you were to do a comprehensive survey of some sort, I suspect that you would find that this site gets a lot more of its stories from Slashdot or Warren Ellis than from, say, Daily Kos or Talking Points Memo.

Shocking! Well, what better occasion than William Shatner's 74th birthday* to begin to correct that imbalance?

And so, it is from Taegan Goddard's invaluable Political Wire that we learn of a Baltimore Sun profile of Diana Schaub, a Loyola College Professor of Political Science and member of George W. Bush's President's Council on Bioethics, an august advisory body charged with guiding the President's views on weighty matters of national policy which don't involve lowering the Capital Gains Tax rate or invading anyone (yet).

The Council is chaired by Dr. Leon Kass, a Harvard and Chicago-educated medical doctor and molecular biologist who is a professor in the rather ominously-named Committee on Social Thought and the College at the University of Chicago. Among his other qualifications, Dr. Kass famously wrote, in The Hungry Soul: Eating and the Perfecting of Our Nature,
"Worst of all from this point of view are those more uncivilized forms of eating, like licking an ice cream cone - a catlike activity that has been made acceptable in informal America but that still offends those who know eating in public is offensive."
...which leads one to be thankful that he was not put in charge of the FDA or Department of Agriculture, at least.

For what it's worth, in the very next paragraph after that curious statement, he tackled other deep stains on the human character, saying "Not just the uneducated rustic but children of the cultural elite are now regularly seen yawning openly in public," before continuing on to target "...sneezing, belching, and hiccuping and even the involuntary bodily display of embarrassment itself, blushing."

Nevertheless, Dr. Kass is, indisputably, a doctor and a molecular biologist. By contrast, one may well wonder about the qualifications of Professor Schaub, who is neither an Ethicist nor a Biologist, to sit on the President's Council on Bioethics. Well, thanks to the Sun, we can now rest easy, secure in the knowledge that she has turned for guidance to two impeccable sources of wisdom: Abraham Lincoln and Star Trek.

She did keep her two influences separate, however, so we don't have to worry that she was talking about "The Savage Curtain," at least. Because basing national policy on the results of a battle between Good and Evil staged by a powerful lava creature would just be silly, wouldn't it? Plus, it's a third season episode — one of the very last, in fact — and we all know what that means.

No, we can all rest easy on that account — her touchstone for moral guidance on issues of scientific research is "Miri" — a first season episode about a planet full of children left orphaned for centuries by the results of a disastrous medical experiment designed to prolong the normal lifespan. The experiment killed all of the adults on the planet while simultaneously slowing down the aging process for all of the children to a crawl.

Now, before you go making fun of the poor woman for basing her views on scientific ethics around (a) a politician who wrote nothing whatsoever on the subject and died before antibiotics, and (b) a Star Trek episode which features a centuries-old prepubescent girl putting moves on Captain Kirk; consider this: Not only was this episode the screen debut of Phil Morris, who went on to play "Jackie Chiles" on Sienfeld; but it also featured the screen debuts of Dawn Roddenberry, Lisabeth Shatner, and Melanie Shatner, making it, like, the Star Trekiest episode of Star Trek ever.

Finally, if Richard Perle, Paul Wolfowitz, and Douglas Feith had leaned on Star Trek for inspiration, would we have ever dared to interfere in the affairs of a pre-warp civilization?

*Most of this was written on Shatner's birthday, at least. Anyway, he's Canadian, and their days are, like, equal to 18 of our hours, right?

Monday, March 21, 2005

SF&F webcomic news

The start of Gossamer Commons, the promised comic written by Eric "Websnark" Burns and drawn by Greg Holkan. (The "About" description and the teaser pic in Websnark suggest fantasy elements, so I'm putting it in here.)

The return of Carried By The Wind, Mariner's saga of ancient tragedy, 20th Century possession and future disaster.

And the running of Tailsteak's 24-hour comic Sight, which looks like being a dark tale of card-magic.

EXTRA: Graveyard Greg's The Guardians is coming back April 4th with new artist Cara Judd.

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Winging it

Cartoonist Rob "Tragic Lad" Clark foresees a new doom upon Middle-Earth.

And Star Wars IV is remastered in Java ASCII animation.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Can You Hear Me Now?

I've spent the last week or so more dead than alive, which is why you've all been mercifully spared my typical barrage of posts showcasing Japanese mud-wrestling game shows or electrogoth vagina dentata festivals from Berlin. You may even escape this week without a "Fan Fiction Friday" entry, just as you avoided a Tall Tale Tuesday and a Media Madness Monday; and my obituary for Andre Norton currently consists of: "Andre Norton (1912–2005)."1

The question remains, however: Is it the fact that I've been half-dead, or is it just my natural affinity for these things that has lead me to share with you this latest evidence of our impending doom2?

1 Well, it's concise and to the point, at least, isn't it?
2 Chain of custody: HereEngadgetBlogheadNushworld

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Tim Tylor's Sunday Miscellany

Signs that Sega just might be catching the Warner makeover virus: Shadow the Guntoting Morally Ambiguous Hedgehog.

David C. Simpson takes a new angle on Rapture Theology.

And over here in the little UK, the world's biggest scale model of the Solar System.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Harry Potter and the Half-Bad Prints

Perhaps to make up for my mention of Professor Snape/Witch-King of Angmar slashfic, I figured I'd pass along something I found on Greg Stephens' Zwol: The official covers of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Price are now available for the viewing pleasure of the curious and eager.

Like him, I find the British cover to be off, somehow, and the American cover to be vastly superior. The only problem I have with the American cover is that the scene it portrays could almost be from any of the books; the British cover at least looks like something that might be specific to this novel. Still, the British cover just really doesn't work for me.

In related* news, Rowling has revealed to the winner of a charity auction that the 723rd word of the novel is "scrofulous." Film at 11.

* Related in that, like actual news items, it has letters and spaces in it.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Gundam Wang

Aw, what the heck — I was going to save this for later, but there may never be a better time to share it than now (before I have to, you know, leave town in a hurry): via Code Ronin comes Tokyo Damage Report's collection of Japanese Sex Toy Robots*.

With more pictures. And videos.

* The great thing about Japan is that it is impossible to tell in advance whether that phrase means "robots used as sex toys," or "robots made out of sex toys." Knowing Japan, it's even possible that it could refer to sex toys designed for robots.

Friday Night Frights

I have been very sick this week. Fortunately — for me, at least — Fan Fiction Friday represents an excellent opportunity for me to Share the Pain by making you sick, too.

You have been warned.

Let's start off on a relatively inoffensive note, with Something Positive (now there's a sentence I've always wanted to write). R. K. Milholland already did a couple of crossovers of his own, with Aeire's now-completed Queen of Wands (currently in re-runs). However, as far as I can tell, even he never wrote a Something Positive/Queen of Wands/InuYasha crossover.

Of course, that's nowhere near as odd as the thought of slashfic involving Professor Snape and the Witch-King of Angmar, is it?

Still, if we want to truly peg the outrage meter all the way over in the red, we're going to have to go try a little harder. We're going to have to explore the bizarre world of Elfen Lied fan fiction comics.

Elfen Lied is a manga and anime series about the hunting, mutilation, and torture of humanoid magical creatures called dicloniuses (as the name implies, they have two horns on their heads). Obviously, as you no doubt expect, it's a wacky romantic comedy. And it's that same schizoid intensity that drives Nana's Everyday Life right over the Cliffs of Insanity in Thelma and Louise's car, vommiting little mindbombs of gleeful despair in every direction on the way down. It is the comic that caused the normally imperturbable Warren Ellis to exclaim, in linking to it,
I don't know what this is or who did it, but I think I have to quit writing comics now.

I cannot defeat the horrible, life-exterminating glory of this.

The truly, genuinely, impressive thing is that Nana's Everyday Life got more disturbing after that.

Ah, but there's worse yet to come, don't worry.

I have said, many times in the past, that Japanese Horror is scary, but it's nowhere near as terrifying as Japanese Porn is. And when it comes to scaryporn, ecchi manga is even more outré than the live-action stuff; and fan-made dōjinshi makes even the professional stuff look tame. So, with that in mind, I bring you what is surely the ne plus ultra of all things fanboyish and ecchi (WARNING: If you think this link is work-safe, I do not want to know where you work):

...Giant Robot Vagina Laser Cannons!

You had to look, didn't you? Well, don't worry: There's more. Lots more. With technical drawings (of a sort). There's even a pensive character study.

All I can say is, can you imagine how screwed up Shinji Ikari would have been if he'd been forced to pilot one of these?

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

It Could Happen.

"Epic." Sorta 1984 for the Google generation. Only "sorta," because it doesn't really go too far in exploring how this new iteration of Big Brother could really do damage to the world. It's more a premise than a story, in that regard. But it is frighteningly plausible.

Post Post Midnight Monday Media Post Postscript

Because you can never have too much Enterprise, a couple of quick hits:

First, there's the widely passed around Toronto Star article about the fan campaign to save Enterprise, and how it compares with other fan campaigns in the past, and, to a certain extent, whether there is any point in saving Enterprise.

The article discusses what fans ask of a show, what they demand of a show, and what they give a show in return. And the Star talks to former Toronto resident Jolene Blalock, who has never hesitated about sharing her opinions of the show (Money quote: "I mean, we started out with 13 million viewers on the pilot, and we somehow managed to drive 11 million of them away."). On the other hand, she has been just as vocally enthusiastic about the quality of the scripts and the direction the show has taken this year under Manny Coto.

Ah, but then there's the last stumbling block: When the news broke that Enterprise had been cancelled, I noticed, buried in the coverage, that Rick Berman and Brannon Braga were going to write the finale. Uh-oh, I thought, along with everyone else who noticed that little infonugget. And sure enough, the Toronto Star article seems to validate my darkest fears in that regard:
There is an awkward silence when the subject of the final episode is broached. "I don't know where to begin with that one," [Blalock] finally stammers. "The final episode is ... appalling."

Well! Mark that one on your calendars!

I do have a second Enterprise story to report, however, and it's one that's gotten a lot less play than the Toronto Star article: The Boston Herald is reporting that Spike TV, of all networks, might possibly be interested in picking up Enterprise.

Spike does, of course, already have the cable syndication rights to pretty much every other Star Trek series out there (including, I think, Enterprise itself), so there is a certain possible synergy at work. On the other hand, I think it's safe to say that if Spike TV produced new episodes of Enterprise, there would be a lot fewer multi-story arcs about the seminal events in the birth of the Federation, and a lot more scenes of female crewmembers getting slathered with decon gel.

[I eagerly await the Stripperella crossover episode]

Monday, March 07, 2005

Post Midnight Monday Media Madness Post

Well, Wednesday's also gone and spoiled my big Monday Media Madness news, leaving me with no other option than to write you a review, albeit a fairly spoiler-free one.

Using special remote viewing skills I learned from my dear friend Nino Savatte at the Institute of Electrical Shocks and Psychic Surprises, I watched the episode in question.

And? It was pretty damned good, actually.

There were a few wobbly bits, and the incidental score was somewhat cheesy and intrusive during the action scenes, but on the whole, it left a favorable impression. As in the Paul McGann movie, or the first John Pertwee episode, the Doctor arrives on the scene without a companion. Another similarity to Pertwee's "Spearhead from Space" is that we don't get to see the Doctor's transformation sequence; yet clearly, from his behaviour, he has just regenerated. We get no explanation of why this has happened; indeed, were it not for the typical post facto preening about his new appearance, there would be no hint at all that he had just regenerated. Perhaps it happened a few days earlier, and he was still getting used to his face.

At the very least, we can assume that it was a fairly well-ordered regeneration: Unlike, say, poor Colin Baker's Doctor, he seems in full command of his wits from the very first.

That very first, for what it's worth, doesn't come until several minutes in to the episode. Instead, we are introduced to Our Heroine, Rose, at the start of her morning. The first five minutes or so take her through a typical day as a shop girl at a second-tier department store in London, and are much more like Bridget Jones's Diary or a Mike Newell film than they are like any previous episode of Doctor Who ever.

Pretty soon, though, the plot kicks in to gear, and the tone gets a bit more Guy Ritchie. There's some lovely action sequences (modulo your appreciation for BBC special effects, of course), a nice shift of gears back into domestic comedy, and then the horrid action music starts up again, and we're off.

On the whole, the pace is reasonably brisk; indeed, seasoned Doctor Who fans may find themselves curiously upset at the fact that the whole thing wraps up so quickly. Mind you, all of the setup that needs to be done gets done: We are introduced to the new Doctor, the new Companion, and the same old TARDIS (nice touch: Rose does not know what a Police Call Box is). A couple of juicy hints about larger matters are slipped in to the proceedings, and a good time is had by many (though not all) of the participants.

On the other hand, the amount of plot involved was just about the bare minimum required to achieve those goals. The result is an episode which seems only barely longer than "The Sontaran Experiment" or "Black Orchid", and which features at least four or five fewer plot twists and reversals of fortune than one would expect from a Doctor Who episode.

Hopefully, future episodes will return to the larger canvas and longer format that worked so well for the first twenty-some odd years of the show. And hopefully, they will get some more effective incidental music before "Rose" airs for real.

In the meantime, I'm going to have to remain intensely jealous of those individuals who live in countries where this show will actually be broadcast.

Update: Warren Ellis has a review up as well. He mentions my favorite line of the Doctor's, and he has a slight amount more spoilage in his review than I do above. Looks like he has the same opinion of the incidental music ("ranges from passable to fucking awful") as I do, though.

The Eyes Have It

In my collection of potential blogfodder is a folder called "Scary Humans." The links contained therein pass the time in fitful slumber, waiting for the hour of their need.

So imagine my surprise when I discovered that one of them had been awakened already by the web-wise wiles of Wednesday White. Curses!

Well, I guess there's nothing for it, then: I'm going to have to release its companion piece to the world at large. Because, after all, if you screw around with your eyes, you're going to need some glasses.